This is a list of frequently asked questions. Please contact us for more information or questions.
A: We have two poster sessions: day 1 (4:35pm -6:00pm, Jan 14) day 2 (5:10pm -6:30pm, Jan 15). The poster with an odd number will be presented in day 1, and the one with an even number will be presented in day 2. Please set up your poster at least half an hour earlier before the poster session starts. We encourage you to set up your poster as early as possible (e.g., 10am) in order to increase its exposure.
A: We suggest the poster is about 120cm(height) * 90cm(width).
A: We don't provide printing service. Please check FebEx office or other printing service near your hotel.
A: Yes, we will select a few posters for poster awards based on presentation.
A: Yes, the existing submission can be updated and revised using Easy Chair system with the same deadline of full paper submission.
A: Easy Chair system does not allow multiple files upload and archival file format. Authors' note: please put the supplemental materials on your own website and add one link in the main paper (PDF file to be uploaded).
A: There's no hard page limit, but please practice common sense for appropriate length of a journal article.
A: There's currently no plan to have student travel awards for APBC 2019. However, one best paper award and one best student paper award, and several best poster awards will be offered. Details please refer to the Submission section.
A: In consideration of reviewers, authors are encouraged to embed figures and tables in the text, as near as possible to the place where they are first mentioned. However, it is also acceptable to place all figures and tables at the end of the text. Please note that you must combine all components into one PDF file for Easy Chair upload.